Workshop Presentations

Single Photon Counting Detectors

overviewpresentationslist of attendeespublic lecture

Opening Workshop: January 25-29, 2010
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125

James Beletic, Teledyne Single Photon Counting in
the X-ray, Visible and Infrared (pdf)
Juan Bueno, CSIC-INTA Optical Characterization of the Quantum
Capacitance Detector (QCD) (pdf)
Bill Cottingame, Northrup Grumman Requirements and Candidates
for Ladar Single-Photon
Detector Arrays (pdf)
Pierre Echternach, JPL Proof of Concept of the Quantum
Capacitance Detector (pdf)
Bill Farr, JPL Photon Counting Detectors for
Laser Communications and
Interplanetary Light Science (pdf)
[video presentation]

Don Figer, Rochester Imaging Detector Lab

Developing and Deploying Single Photon Counting Array Detectors (pdf) [video presentation]
Scott Fraser, Caltech Potential Biomedical Applications (pdf)
[video presentation]

Sasha Hinkley, Caltech

High-Contrast Imaging and Exoplanet
Applications (pdf) [video presentation]

Michael Hoenk, JPL

Delta Doping Technology for UV Photon Counting Detector Arrays (pdf)

Kent Irwin, NIST

Photon Detection with the TES: Gamma-Rays to the CMB
Technology for a Mega-Pixel Imager (pdf)
Boris Karasik, JPL Superconducting Hot-Electron Nanobolometer for FIR and Mid-IR Single-Photon Spectroscopy (pdf)
Teun Klapwijk, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft Resistive Superconducting Films for
Photonsensing Devices
Conventional Superconductivity in
'Bad Metals.' (pdf)
Chao-Lin Kuo, Stanford Photon Counting Astronomy with TES (pdf)
Yuhwa Lo, UCSD New Concepts of IR Single-
Photon Detectors (pdf) [video presentation]
Peter Mao, Caltech Energy Resolved Imaging in X‐Ray
Astrophysics (pdf)
Chris Martin, Caltech Applications for UV Photon Counting Detectors: Mapping the Hidden Cosmic Web of Baryons (pdf)
Ben Mazin, UCSB Optical/UV Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) (pdf)
Alan Migdall, Caltech Single-Photon Detector & Metrology Efforts at NIST (pdf) [video presentation]
Patrick Morrissey, Caltech Delta Doped L3 CCD Imagers for Low Surface Brightness UV Astronomy: From GALEX to the IGM (pdf)
Sae Woo Nam, NIST NIST Optical Photon Detectors (UV to
NIR) for Quantum Information
Mega-pixel TES camera (pdf)
Oskar Painter, Caltech Nanooptomechanics: Utilizing Light Forces Within Guidedwave Nanostructures (pdf)
Dan Prober, Yale University Superconducting Single
Photon Detectors (pdf) [video presentation]
Dan Santavicca, Yale University Energy Resolution of THz
Bolometric Detectors (pdf)
Dave Schiminovich, Columbia University UV Photon Counting Detectors:
Past and Future Challenges (pdf)
Andrei Sergeev, SUNY at Buffalo Quantum Noise Limit in Ultrasensitive Nanodetectors: Counting of Phonons (pdf)
Roman Sobolewski, University of Rochester Superconducting single-photon
detectors as photon-energy and
polarization resolving devices (pdf)
John Vallerga, UC Berkeley Microchannel Plate Single Photon
Imaging Detectors for Astronomy - Do They Need to be Replaced? (pdf)
Nai-Chang Yeh, Caltech Novel Nano-Engineered Semiconductors for Possible Photon Sources and Detectors (pdf)
Jonas Zmuidzinas, Caltech MKIDS: Prospects for the far‐IR (pdf)

For questions contact: Paul Goldsmith, Jonas Zmuidzinas or Michele Judd.

©2010 Caltech

Study Co-Lead Paul Goldsmith from JPL giving the introduction to the January 2010 opening workshop for the study.

Paul Goldsmith

All presentations that were cleared for public posting are found to the left.

Video is posted for some presentations, but not all.