%%%%% update: 30 November 2007 %%%%% re: IAU SYMPOSIUM SERIES. Home page and updates at: < ftp://ftp.sron.nl/pub/karelh/UPLOADS/IAU-CUP.dir/authors.dir > ====================================================================== GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS OF MANUSCRIPTS FOR THE PROCEEDINGS FOR IAU SYMPOSIA, USING STYLE FILES OF CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS (CUP) Dear Authors, Please find in this directory the instructions for preparing your paper(s) for the Proceedings of your IAU Symposium. For this purpose, carefully read and observe the text file README.txt and download all the files in this directory. ====================================================================== GENERAL INFORMATION ====================================================================== A. THE IAU PUBLISHER ====================================================================== The official IAU publisher is Cambridge University Press. CUP publishes the Proceedings of - IAU SYMPOSIA - IAU HIGHLIGHTS OF ASTRONOMY - TRANSACTIONS OF THE IAU all as hard back volumes and on-line. The IAU continues to aim for a high quality and timely publications series. Published on-line IAU Proceedings are available at < http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=IAU >, with free access for 2004 IAU Proceedings. Hard back volumes can be ordered from < http://www.cambridge.org/uk/browse/browse_all.asp?subjectid=318 >. ====================================================================== B. IAU / CUP POLICY ====================================================================== In the contract between the IAU with CUP, it is stipulated that the Proceedings of an IAU Symposium will be published within six months after that Symposium. Since CUP needs three months for its processing of a complete Proceedings manuscript, the EDITORS have the first three months after their Symposium to complete their editing task. This requires that all AUTHORS have to deliver their completed manuscripts to their Chief Editor before or during the Symposium. Authors who wish to make revisions can submit a revised version of their manuscript to the Chief Editor within four weeks after the Symposium. ====================================================================== C. MEETING CODES ====================================================================== CUP recognizes the following codes for the nine 2007 IAU Symposia: IAUS242 IAUS243 IAUS244 IAUS245 IAUS246 IAUS247 IAUS248 IAUS249 IAUS250 CUP recognizes the following codes for the nine 2008 IAU meetings IAUS251 IAUS252 IAUS253 IAUS254 IAUS255 IAUS256 IAUS257 IAUS258 IAUS259 ====================================================================== D. FORMAT ====================================================================== CUP recognizes four kinds of manuscripts: - Invited Reviews (IR) - Invited Papers (IP) - Contributed papers (CP) - Poster Papers (PP) The Editor of the Proceedings of your Symposium decides on the page allocation. ====================================================================== E. FIGURES ====================================================================== The package "graphics" does allow for figure re-scaling, but authors may find it easier to replace \usepackage{graphics} with \usepackage{graphicx}. Re-scaling in "graphics" can be done: The trick is to use \scalebox{scale_frac}{put_figure_here}, e.g. \centerline{ \scalebox{0.8}{% \includegraphics{my_fig.eps}% } } which shrinks my_fig.eps to 0.8 of its size, and center it. This is instead of the expected, more normal, scalebox usage of \scalebox{x_frac}{y_frac}{put_fig_here}, which does not work. Another possiblity to scale the figures, while using \usepackage{graphics}, is: \begin{figure} \centering \resizebox{6.5cm}{!}{\includegraphics{figure1.eps} } \resizebox{6.5cm}{!}{\includegraphics{figure2.eps} } \caption[]{Figure caption.} \end{figure} ====================================================================== F. COLOUR FIGURES ====================================================================== When authors have colour figures in the .tex files of their papers, there will be no charge for that. Colour figures will be reproduced in colour in the electronic version of the Proceedings. However, to reproduce colour figures up in colour in the printed version of the Proceedings, CUP will charge the authors Eng. Pound 500.- per page. If authors are not prepared to pay for this, their colour figures will be printed in black-and-white in the printed version of the Proceedings. Therefore, in case of colour figures with half-tones, authors should make sure that their figures will reproduce as desired in black-and-white. ====================================================================== G. REFERENCES /JOURNAL ABBREVIATIONS AND STYLE ====================================================================== Refer to as: Journal: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \textit{AJ} Astronomical Journal \textit{ARAA} Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysics \textit{ApJ} Astrophysical Journal \textit{ApJS} Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series \textit{Applied Optics} Applied Optics \textit{Ap&SS} Astrophysics and Space Science \textit{A&A} Astronomy & Astrophysics \textit{A&AR} The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review \textit{A&AS} Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series \textit{AcA} Acta Astronomica \textit{Adv. Sp. Res.} Advances in Space Research \textit{AIP-CP} American Institute of Physics Conf. Proc. \textit{ASP-CS} Astronomical Soc. of the Pacific Conf. Series. \textit{Astron. Lett.} Astronomy Letters \textit{Astron. Rep.} Astronomy Reports \textit{Ap. Lett.} Astrophysical Letters \textit{AZh} Astronomicheskii Zhurnal \textit{BAAS} Bulletin of the AAS \textit{JA&A} Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy \textit{JRASC} Journal of the RAS of Canada \textit{MemRAS} Memoirs of the RAS \textit{MNRAS} Monthly Notices of the RAS \textit{MemSAI} Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana \textit{Nature} Nature \textit{New Astron.} New Astronomy \textit{New Astron. Revs} New Astronomy Reviews \textit{Observatory} The Observatory \textit{Phys. Rev. A} Physical Review A.: General Physics \textit{Phys. Rev. Lett.} Physical Review Letters \textit{PASA} Publications of the Astron. Soc. Australia \textit{PASP} Publications of the Astron. Soc. Pacific \textit{PASJ} Publications of the Astron. Soc. Japan \textit{PAZ} Pis'ma Astronomicheskii Zhurnal \textit{QJRAS} Quarterly Journal of the RAS \textit{Rev. Mexicana AyA} Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica \textit{Science} Science \textit{Solar Phys.} Solar Physics \textit{S&T} Sky and Telescope \textit{Soviet Astron.} Soviet Astronomy \textit{Space Sci. Revs} Space Science Reviews \textit{Vistas in Astron.} Vistas in Astronomy \textit{ZfA} Zeitschrift für Astrophysik Example journal paper: \bibitem[Krabbe, Genzel, Eckart, et al. (1995)]{Krabbe95} {Krabbe, A., Genzel, R., Eckart, A., Najarro, F., Lutz, D., Cameron, M., Kroker, H., Tacconi-Garman, L. E., Thatte, N., Weitzel, L., Drapatz, S., Geballe, T., Sternberg, A., Kudritzki, R.-P.} 1995, \textit{ApJ} (Letters), 447, L95 Example conference paper: \bibitem[Herrero (2003)]{Herrero03} {Herrero, A.} 2003, in: K.A. van der Hucht, A. Herrero \& C. Esteban (eds.), \textit{A Massive Star Odyssey, from Main Sequence to Supernova}, Proc. IAU Symposium No. 212 (San Francisco: ASP), p.\, 1 ================================================================= H. IAU COPYRIGHT FORMS ================================================================= All Authors are requested to download the IAU Copyright Form , to complete it, and to send it by airmail to the Editor of their IAU Symposium. All Editors are requested to send the complete set of IAU Copyright Forms, together with the complete manuscript of their IAU Symposium Proceedings to CUP. ====================================================================== I. BULK PRICES ====================================================================== The 2008 bulk price of Proceedings of Symposia and Colloquia for the participants is US$ 83.- per volume, covering hard copy (including shipment) and access to the on-line version. On-line access from CUP is for 18 months, after which copies of the Proceedings files will be transferred to the ADS. ====================================================================== In case of questions, please approach the Chief Editor of the Proceedings of your IAU Symposium. Ian F. Corbett IAU AGS ****************************************************** Dr. Ian F. Corbett, Assistant General Secretary International Astronomical Union url: www.iau.org c/o ESO, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2 D-85748 GARCHING, Germany email: icorbett@eso.org ******************************************************