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10/8/2015 3:10 PM 855172 09282015 RIT - University News Services - Campus Spotlight.pdf
11/6/2010 9:12 PM 2018621 6220-8_SPIE_LINEAR_vs_GEIGER.pdf
2/8/2010 7:24 PM 673675 649850.pdf
11/3/2020 7:47 PM <dir> AAS233
11/3/2020 7:47 PM <dir> AAS235
11/30/2020 10:17 AM 146591 AAS235-Meeting-Abstracts.pdf
2/8/2010 7:26 PM 4310923 AFE82EB6-BDB9-137E-CE16D9761A41AC08_167846.pdf
11/3/2020 7:47 PM <dir> annual reports
3/7/2010 9:45 PM 887551 Assefa et al.pdf
9/26/2007 4:31 PM 4265181 ASTR970[1].pdf
10/14/2011 10:55 AM 673465 Bornfreund_SWIR_DB03 PUB_2005.pdf
4/12/2016 9:55 AM 1432877 Dr.Messineo_The_Astrophysical_Journal_Discovery_Red_Supergiants.pdf
3/27/2017 1:04 PM 1656564 Efficient Si Solar Cells with Asymmetric Heterocontacts.pdf
11/3/2020 7:47 PM <dir> EMCCD
7/31/2017 4:09 PM 1810610 Emission Lines in The Near Infared Spectra of the Infrared quintuplet starts in the galactic center.pdf
1/21/2009 10:15 PM 141119 EPC-1998-106.pdf
10/11/2016 11:15 AM 2290833 FPI Research-RIT-Spring-Summer-2016.pdf
10/11/2016 11:24 AM 1020956 FPI RIT Research Spring Summer 2016.pdf
4/6/2015 11:51 AM 845217 GM-APD Imaging Arrays for Direct Imaging of Exoplanets.pdf
11/3/2020 7:47 PM <dir> Graduate Research Symposium
9/12/2007 6:07 PM 4130317 H4RGSPIE.pdf
8/24/2015 2:25 PM 1436376 Hanold 2015 SPIE Final.pdf
12/1/2014 3:41 PM 2266260 hserchelposter_rodas_finalversion.pdf
11/3/2020 7:47 PM <dir> IAU307
7/29/2015 3:15 PM 31518874 iau_rsg.pdf
5/22/2024 1:14 PM <dir> IDTL
12/6/2016 1:13 PM 300064 Inducing Photonic Transitions between Discrete Modes in a Silicon Optical Microcavity.pdf
9/26/2007 4:31 PM 271351 intepixel paper downloaded from SPIE.pdf
8/24/2015 2:07 PM 1436371 Large format MBE HgCdTe on silicon detector development for astronomy.pdf
11/3/2020 7:47 PM <dir> Lincoln Lab
5/19/2017 10:39 AM 1224299 May_2017_Moser_Final_Paper.pdf
9/29/2014 11:38 AM 9291003 Messineo et al massive stars 2014.pdf
1/25/2017 11:32 AM 62162 messineo_nz2.pdf
7/29/2016 9:15 AM 203257 messineo_proc_v2.pdf
5/14/2018 4:50 PM 163784 Mike CV.pdf
7/31/2015 9:10 AM 204451 NASA Selects Proposals to Study Neutron Stars, Black Holes and More -- WASHINGTON, July 30, 2015 _PRNewswire-USNewswire_ --.pdf
4/26/2017 12:28 PM 699395 ncomms15003 Zemcov.pdf
11/18/2016 12:55 PM 120064 News Events Daily - Nov. 18.htm
11/3/2020 7:47 PM <dir> News Events Daily - Nov. 18_files
5/18/2010 7:08 PM 2105372 nl100081j.pdf
2/28/2017 3:06 PM 5159400 nphoton.2017.14.pdf
11/15/2016 11:50 AM 2515926 oe-24-22-25415_AlGaN_AlN_integrated photonics platform_Englund.pdf
10/29/2015 1:22 PM 166878 P K Mohseni - Curriculum Vitae.pdf
11/3/2020 7:47 PM <dir> Park Road
4/6/2017 2:53 PM 1195596 Physics and polarization characteristics of 298 nm AlN-delta-GaN quantum well ultraviolet light-emitting diodes.pdf
8/8/2014 8:32 AM 12697320 poster_alpha2omega.pdf
11/2/2011 2:03 PM 278936 PSI59040V.pdf
10/28/2006 2:53 PM 29777408 qe_gert.ppt
12/6/2016 1:03 PM 1648777 Radial velocities of stars in the Galactic Center.pdf
4/12/2021 11:08 AM 605666 Rogues_article.pdf
8/24/2009 5:46 PM 554497 RULLI detectors.pdf
11/3/2020 7:47 PM <dir> Sandia
11/3/2020 7:48 PM <dir> SDW
12/8/2014 11:24 AM 1804562 sea14.pdf
11/16/2022 4:58 PM <dir> SPIE
9/26/2007 4:31 PM 1601456 spie published RITMOS.pdf
9/20/2007 1:29 PM 533894 SPIE6276.pdf
11/3/2020 7:48 PM <dir> SPW2019
12/6/2016 12:53 PM 281005 Stellar collisions and mergers in the galactic center.pdf
4/8/2004 12:00 AM 31210496 Steve_Holland.ppt
2/17/2009 2:34 PM 134208 Symposium Agenda_FINAL.pdf
9/24/2015 2:25 PM 14808046 symposium316_messineo.pdf
12/6/2016 12:59 PM 318156 The altitude of an infrared bright cloud feature on Neptune from.pdf
5/28/2010 11:02 AM 1062693 UBM.pdf
10/5/2015 2:09 PM 575323 umag-article-10052015.pdf
5/11/2015 12:53 PM 2195989 W33astrph.pdf
12/6/2016 11:29 AM 143669 Zemcov_ CV.pdf
9/24/2015 2:59 PM 222732 zemcov_curriculum_vitae.pdf
9/25/2015 1:52 PM 238732 zemcov_cv.pdf