How to change gratings on the Acton 2500i spectrapro 1)Select the grating you want to use with the following command "ridl_devices,'monochromator','grating',param" where: param=an integer value representing the grating number 2)Uninstall present grating using the follwing command "ridl_devices,'monochromator','uninstall'" 3)Enter the following command to install the grating "ridl_devices,'monochromator','install',param,arg1=arg1,arg2=arg2,arg3=arg3" where: parameter = first number of princeton p/n arg1= second number of princeton p/n arg2= third number of princeton p/n arg3= grating position Example; For a grating part number of 1-030-2: ridl_devices,'monochromator','install',1,arg1=030,arg2=2,arg3=1 4) Run the following command and ensure the information is correct "ridl_devices,'monochromator','?gratings'" 5) Re-Select the grating you want to use with the following command "ridl_devices,'monochromator','grating',param" where: param=an integer value representing the grating number 6)Enter the following command to zero the wavelength "ridl_devices,'monochromator','goto',0" 7)Remove the light source from the monochromator 8)Securely mount a HeNe Laser so that it is directed through the entrance slit of the monochromator 9)Follow steps 6 through 17 in the document below: (Note the alignment mask is located in the grating box for the 300 nm grating) \\\RIDL\products\manuals\Acton\new\Grating_Change_for_SpectraPro_Spectrometers.pdf 10)Celebrate good times. 11)C'MON! noise_test, indir = 'G:\VIRGO_14\cold2\LEACH\noise_test\25-Jun-13_1', infile = 'noise_test'