54 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY  14623-5603









Co-op/Internship or Part-Time Student needed for firmware and camera interfacing at RIDL


The RIDL is an independent detector testing facility within the Center for Imaging Science.  The RIDL was established to develop and advance new innovative detector technologies for astronomy and other fields.  The lab pursues these goals by developing new cutting-edge detectors that utilize advanced CMOS readout circuitry.


A co-op/intern or part time worker will support a graduate researcher in the development of camera interfacing firmware. The student will be expected to produce and modify/optimize VHDL code, set up a simple hardware interface from an infrared camera to an FPGA, interface the FPGA with a computer over parallel LVDS, and manipulate the image data for proper display.  Further work is possible if these tasks are completed successfully.


Applicants must currently be pursuing a BS or MS degree.  The successful candidate will have hands-on experience with FPGA programming, hardware interfacing and high-level software programming.   Students with any image processing background are also desired.


Inquiries about this position may be directed to Dr. Donald F. Figer (figer@cis.rit.edu, Bldg.76-2246); you should include a cover letter and a resume. 


