This is a header file that is shared between the fiber optic timing board
boot and application code files

	PAGE    132     ; Printronix page width - 132 columns

; Some basic structural definitions
APL_ADR	EQU	$130	; P: memory location where application code begins
APL_LEN	EQU	$200-APL_ADR ; Maximum length of application program
TIM_ISR EQU     $3C     ; DSP timer interrupt service routine address
PGM_CON EQU     $3E     ; Program continues on here
COM_TBL EQU     $80     ; Starting address of command table in X: memory
N_W_APL	EQU	$500	; Number of words in each application
NUM_COM EQU     40      ; Number of entries in command table

RST_ISR	EQU	$00	; Hardware reset interrupt
ROM_ID  EQU     $06	; Location of program Identification = SWI interrupt
START	EQU	$08	; Starting address of program
RCV_BUF EQU     $60	; Starting address of receiver buffer in X:
TBL_ADR	EQU	$0F	; (IR) Waveform tables starting address

ROM_OFF	EQU	$4000	; Boot program offset address in EEPROM
LD_X	EQU	$4200	; Assembler loads X: starting at this EEPROM address
RD_X	EQU	$C600	; DSP reads X: from this EEPROM address

; Define DSP port addresses
WRSS	EQU	$FF80	; Write clock driver and VP switch states
RDFO	EQU	$FFC0	; Read serial receiver fiber optic contents
WRFO	EQU	$FFC0	; Write to fiber optic serial transmitter 
RDAD    EQU     $FFA0   ; Read A/D datum into DSP
RDAD0	EQU	$FFA0	; Address for reading A/D #0
RDAD1	EQU	$FFA1	; Address for reading A/D #1
WRLATCH	EQU	$FFC1	; Write to timing board latch
RSTWDT	EQU	$6000	; Address to reset the timing board watchdog timer
BCR     EQU     $FFFE   ; Bus (=Port A) Control Register -> Wait States
PBC	EQU	$FFE0	; Port B Control Register
PBDDR	EQU	$FFE2	; Port B Data Direction Register
PBD	EQU	$FFE4	; Port B Data Register
PCC     EQU     $FFE1   ; Port C Control Register
PCDDR	EQU	$FFE3	; PortC Data Direction Register
PCD	EQU	$FFE5	; Port C Data Register
IPR     EQU     $FFFF   ; Interrupt Priority Register
SSITX	EQU	$FFEF	; SSI Transmit and Receive data register
SSIRX	EQU	$FFEF	; SSI Transmit and Receive data register
SSISR	EQU	$FFEE	; SSI Status Register
CRA     EQU     $FFEC   ; SSI Control Register A
CRB     EQU     $FFED   ; SSI Control Regsiter B
TCSR    EQU     $FFDE   ; Timer control and status register
TCR     EQU     $FFDF   ; Timer count register

; Hardware bit definitions all over the place
SSI_TDE	EQU	6	; SSI Transmitter data register empty
SSI_RDF	EQU	7	; SSI Receiver data register full
LVEN	EQU     2       ; Low voltage enable (+/-15 volt nominal)
HVEN	EQU     3       ; Enable high voltage (+32V nominal)
TIM_U_RST EQU	5	; Timing to utility board reset bit number in U25
PWRST	EQU     13      ; Power control board reset
RST_FIFO EQU	7	; Reset FIFO bit number in control latch U25
EF	EQU	9	; FIFO empty flag, low true
TIM_BIT	EQU	0	; Timer status bit
WW	EQU	1	; Word width = 1 for 16-bit image data, 0 for 24-bit
CDAC	EQU	0	; Bit number in U25 for clearing DACs
ENCK	EQU	2	; Bit number in U25 for enabling analog switches
DUALCLK	EQU	1	; Set to clock two halves of clock driver board together

; Software status bits, defined at X:<STATUS = X:0
ST_RCV	EQU	0	; Set if FO, cleared if SSI
TST_IMG	EQU	10	; Set if controller is to generate a test image
SHUT	EQU	11	; Set if opening shutter at beginning of exposure

; Software status bits, defined at X:<STATUS = X:0
IDLMODE	EQU	2	; Set if need to idle after readout
ST_SHUT	EQU	3	; Set to indicate shutter is closed, clear for open
ST_RDC	EQU	4	; Set if executing 'RDC' command - reading out
SPLIT_S	EQU	5	; Set if split serial
SPLIT_P	EQU	6	; Set if split parallel
MPP	EQU	7	; Set if parallels are in MPP mode

; Specify controller configuration bits of the X:STATUS word
;   to describe the software capabilities of this application file
IR		EQU	$001000		; Bit 12 = 1 => IR controller
SUBARRAY 	EQU	$002000		; Bit 13 = 1 => Subimage readout
SPLIT_SERIAL	EQU	$004000		; Bit 14 = 1 => Split serial clocking
SPLIT_PARALLEL	EQU	$008000		; Bit 15 = 1 => Split parallel clocking
MPP_CAPABLE	EQU	$010000		; Bit 16 = 1 => Inverted clocks option
SHUTTER_CONTROL	EQU	$020000		; Bit 17 = 1 => Control shutter
BINNING		EQU	$040000		; Bit 18 = 1 => Binning supported